Spiritual Enrichment Programs

Fall 2019 - Spring 2020

The Spiritual Enrichment Programs provide educational opportunities for people of all faiths and at different places in their lives to learn more about themselves, connect with others, and interact with the world around them. Programs will be held at the Morcone Conference Center on Tuesday evenings from 7:00pm -8:30pm. No registration required. Suggested Donation: $20 per session

Aging in Grace
Sr. Kathleen Hagerty, CSJ, MA – September 10 and 17, 2019

This two-part series will consider aging as a gift and grace from our God. Participants will have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge and acceptance of self and God in a reflective and freeing way. Through input, reflection, prayer and sharing, those attending will come to be more comfortable with their aging. If you are in transition, midlife, the mature years, facing retirement or just desirous of growth, these sessions are for you.

Kathleen Hagerty, CSJ is a Sister of St. Joseph of Boston. She holds a M.A. in Religious Education and a M.A. in Christian Spirituality Kathleen conducts workshops on aging and spirituality and does Spiritual Direction and conducts retreats in the New England area.

The Outbreak of World War I
Fr. Nicholas Morcone, OSB - September 24, October 1, 8, and 15, 2019

The celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of the end of World War I gives reason for reflection on and investigation into just what precipitated “the war to end all wars” when, in the words of one author, “foolish monarchs, diplomats, and generals blundered into a war nobody wanted.” We will examine this “blunder” in four sessions:
I. Europe in 1914
II. Personalities and Plans
III. Outbreak
IV. Aftermath

Father Nicholas, OSB, of Glastonbury Abbey has been a lifelong student of history since he majored in it in college. He has presented several programs on Church History here at the Abbey over the years.

**POSTPONED**Adult Christianity: Beyond the Catechism
Fr. Timothy Joyce, OSB, STL – October 22 and 29, November 5 and 12, 2019

This four-week course will discuss the nature of faith today as seen in:
• The historical development of our understanding of our Christian faith, especially since the II Vatican Council
• The importance of the Bible and the Early Church
• How modern science, the ecological movement and world events have shaped our insights;
• The recovery of the mystical tradition of the Church
• The doubts and difficulties we have with the Church
• Consider images of God
• The central place of Jesus Christ

Participants will be invited to grow as more reflective disciples of Christ.

Father Timothy is a monk of Glastonbury Abbey. He holds an advanced degree in systematic theology from the Gregorian University in Rome. He is a published author as well as preacher and retreat director.

Women & Spirit: Catholic Sisters in America: Discover a World Few Have Seen, But Millions have Shared -- Narrated by Cokie Roberts
Sister Dorothea Masuret, CSJ, and Bro. Dan Walters, OSB – November 19, 2019

This video narrates the virtually untold story of women who exercised leadership at a time when few women enjoyed such possibilities. Theirs is a story of quiet courage during many dramatic moments in U.S history. Discover the mystery behind this small community of innovative women who helped shape the nation’s social, cultural and spiritual landscape. Following the video presentation, Sister Dorothea Masuret, CSJ, will facilitate a discussion on this presentation and where the Spirit is leading woman religious today.

Sister Dorothea received a Master’s Degree in Pastoral Ministry with a concentration in Spirituality from Boston College. For many years she served in the Office for Pastoral Ministries in the Archdiocese of Boston providing opportunities for ongoing spiritual formation and pastoral outreach for people involved in parish ministries. Bro. Dan is a monk at Glastonbury Abbey.

Native American Spirituality: The Navajo
John Sheff, PsyD - December 3, 2019

After a 19 year absence John will return to Canyon de Chelly – sitting in the middle of the Navajo reservation – to hike and to learn from local guides. This session will discuss what is common to “native religions,” the spirituality of the Navajo, and what we can learn from these people who have lived in Canyon de Chelly since 1400 CE.

A clinical psychologist practicing on the South Shore, John Sheff uses both Western and Eastern medicine thinking in the treatment of anxiety and worry.

Hiking in the Wilderness: A Metaphor for the Spiritual Journey
John Sheff, PsyD - December 10, 2019

In this session, John suggests that hiking in “wild places” can be thought of as part of one’s spiritual practice. Using examples as distant as the Grand Canyon, the Sonoran Desert, the Grand Tetons, or more locally World’s End, the Blues Hills Reservation or the Norris Reservation, John reflects on the spiritual benefits that are revealed by being present. He suggests that prior to attending, you might wish to visit one of our local “wild places.”

A clinical psychologist practicing on the South Shore, John Sheff uses both Western and Eastern medicine thinking in the treatment of anxiety and worry.

The Sound of Four Feet
Bro. Matthias, OSB and John Sheff, PsyD - April 28, 2020

The earliest teachings of Buddhism and Christianity reflect a new way in how an individual can think about life's most meaningful questions. Both the Buddha and Jesus sug-gested radically new ways of thinking and acting. They recom-mended a pattern of life that relieves suffering and promotes com-passion which are always practiced in the service of the neighbor. Matthias and John will be discussing the Four Noble Truths which encapsulate the entire Buddhist path, which deeply shares a reso-nance with the Christian journey. Come and share in this evening of personal history, informed conversation and group reflection. All are welcome.

Bro. Matthias is a monk at Glastonbury Abbey.

John Sheff is a clinical psychologist who uses both Western and Eastern medicine thinking in the treatment of anxiety and worry.