Commonweal Conversation “Embodiment”
The relationship between our bodies, our minds, and who we “are” has long fascinated philosophers, from Cartesian dualism to modern “brain-in-a-vat” thought experiments. Some Christian theology frames our flesh as evil or sinful and our immaterial souls good, while secular posthumanists dream of a future free from the pesky constraints of a physical body. But the body doesn’t need to be thought of as something separate from the self. Indeed, our embodiment—imperfect, expressive, messy, frail as it may be—gives meaning to our lives. We should embrace it rather than seek to escape it.
We urge you to prepare for a valuable conversation by pre-reading the articles for discussion sent in advance of each program date.
This program will be presented via Zoom only. Click here to register online. You will receive articles for pre-reading