Glastonbury Abbey Retreats Program 2024-25
Glastonbury Abbey's in person only guided retreats are listed below. It should be noted that our retreat facility has bedrooms on multiple floors with no lift. Access to some bedrooms may be difficult for those with mobility issues. Please contact* the registrar if you have concerns. Click here for more information or contact the retreat office at *781-749-2155 x300 or email
A Creative Approach to the 12 Steps of Recovery Weekend Retreat
Fri, Mar 28, 2025, 6:00 pm, through Sun, Mar 30, 2025, 1:30 pm
Facilitators: Dee Davidson and Dawn Karolides
Suggested donation: $275 includes accommodation and meals.
Join Dee Davidson and Dawn Karolides on a creative approach to the 12 Steps of Recovery. On this weekend retreat they will guide women in recovery in the creation of a Cosmic Smashbook™ --a mashup of art, journaling and deep dive inquiry--to explore their 12 step journey in a whole new way. The book and art supplies will be provided, but women are encouraged to bring any collage materials, photos, mementos or ribbons, lace trim, etc that will support the personalization of their Smashbook. The weekend will include time for quiet reflection, walking the labyrinth and sacred sharing circles.
A Day Retreat: "Hildegard of Bingen and the God Who Causes the Grasses to Laugh"
Weds, April 2, 9:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Presenter: Sister Maureen Casey, SND
Suggested donation: $70, includes lunch.
Come and gift God and yourself with a day to explore the life and spirituality of Hildegard of Bingen, a 12th century mystic, reformer, prophetess, musician and visionary. She was a woman who listened deeply to the heart of God and her reverence and passion for God's dream for the universe can be a source of hope for us today as we continue be the flame that ignites God's desires in our world.
Click here to register.
A Day Retreat: Zentangle
Sun, April 6, 11:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Presenter: Karen Keefe
Suggested donation: $75, includes materials and lunch.
Zentangle is an easy-to-learn method of creating beautiful images from repetitive patterns. It is a meditative art form that is fun and relaxing. Zentangle provides artistic satisfaction, an increased sense of personal well-being and calm centeredness. In this class: participants are introduced to 6 different patterns or tangles and produce 2 pieces of art. The class includes fun instruction, engaging demonstrations and a kit for practicing with enough supplies for producing additional art work at home.
Click here to register.
The Sacred Triduum Retreat
Holy Thursday through Easter Sunday, April 17 - 20
Facilitators: Monastic Community
Suggested donation: $330, includes 3 nights' accommodation and meals.
Join the monks in celebrating the Liturgy of the Hours and the Sacred Liturgy of the Easter Triduum. There will be three presentations on each day of the Triduum by Fr. Nicholas Morcone, OSB. This three-night retreat is Silent with plenty of time for personal reflection.
Click here to register.
We have many more retreats available in 2025! Click here for more info.